* Applications for press registration in 2012 have closed.
Member of the press who wish to cover the 25th Tokyo International Film Festival are requested to carefully read the following information before applying for a Press Pass.
*If you prefer to obtain the information and press releases in Japanese, please change the Website’s communication language to Japanese and apply your application.
ATTENTION! The application deadline is September 24, 2012.
* Press members who require a Visa to enter Japan are strongly advised to apply as early as possible.
Press Pass
The Press Pass is granted solely by the press office of the Tokyo International Film Festival to members of the press who have been assigned by media outlets.
Applying for Accreditation
Please note that members of the press are required to submit their coverage of film from the past one year.
Types of Passes
Members of the press who apply for accreditation as "Reporter/Journalist" are given a general Press Pass, while those who apply for accreditation as "Photographer/Media technician" are given a Technical Press Pass.
Press Pass (Reporter/Journalist)
Your Press Pass provides
- Press releases and other information from the press office by email
- Access to ID screenings, the Press Information Center, TIFFCOM 2012 and TIFFCOM screenings, and other specified events and activities.
- Quick and easy entry to all TIFF events (except the Opening and Closing events; to register for these two events, please present your business card).
Technical Press Pass (Photographer/Media Technician)
Your Technical Press Pass provides
- Press releases and other information from the press office by email
- Access to the Press Information Center
- Quick and easy entry to all TIFF events (except the Opening and Closing events; to register for these two events, please present your business card).
* If you have several job titles (journalist/photographer, etc.) please specify your primary job title, as the press office cannot provide multiple accreditations.
Notification of Result
We will review your application and notify you of the result by e-mail.
Press Pass Pick-up
Instructions for picking up your Press Pass will be available on the TIFF website and also sent by email to all members of the press.