We sincerely appreciate the support being provided for the 24th edition of TIFF by our partners: TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION as our Special Partner; and KINOSHITA CORPORATION, LTD., Coca-Cola (Japan) Co., Ltd., Canon Inc. ・ Canon Marketing Japan Inc. as our Official Partners. Their respective contributions are outlined below.
As the Special Partner, TOYOTA will once again be providing extensive support to the Tokyo International Film Festival this year. Since 2008, we have been supporting “natural TIFF” to screen films that are based on the concept of symbiosis with nature. We will also award the “TOYOTA Earth Grand Prix” to the film selected from among the many films screened during the Festival that is regarded as being the finest celebration of Earth’s beauty. Moreover, we will be providing vehicles, such as our environment-conscious cars, as the TIFF official cars to be used at the Green Carpet Ceremony.
As a company with a passion for people—the “total lifestyle company that is always by your side”—the Kinoshita Group provides support for culture in various different forms, in its pursuit of a world in which all can achieve both spiritual and material wealth. We are pleased to celebrate the 25th edition of the Tokyo International Film Festival, on the theme of benefiting the global environment—an event which has grown into Asia’s leading film festival. We sympathize profoundly with the theme of the festival and believe in the power of films to inspire dreams and aspirations in its audience. Once again, we are proud this year to offer our whole-hearted support to this event.
The Coca-Cola will once again provide the “Coca-Cola Green Carpet” made from recycled PET bottles as the symbol of TIFF. In addition, Coca-Cola Zero, which delivers the great Coca-Cola taste with no calories, sugar, preservatives or artificial flavor, has tied up with“Skyfall”, the latest in the popular movie series 007, to be released in December. The 50th anniversary of 007 and the 5th anniversary of Coca-Cola Zero in Japan collaborate and send a message to“Break Out of Your Shell” in Roppongi. Furthermore, Coca-Cola Zero’s official web site is now running a special campaign, where viewers can win an invitation to TIFF.
From input to output and spanning the range from still images to video, Canon has focused on expanding the realm of imaging expression through the pursuit of technological innovation to provide the highest possible levels of image quality. This year, with the market introduction of the CINEMA EOS SYSTEM of digital cinema cameras and EF Cinema Lenses, the company has expanded this realm to include motion picture production. Through the optical technologies cultivated over many years and the diverse product lineups born from these technologies, Canon is proud to support the Tokyo International Film Festival and applauds the efforts of filmmakers seeking to breathe life into their cinematographic visions.